Today was beautiful -

Jordan and I rented boards from the ONLY surf shop in Da Nang []

and zany "Tam" motored us (with boards) back to the surf.

The waves are still really big and rough but we had a great time dropping in on some chocolaty log- and furniture

- filled waves. Here we are riding a nice "natural woody" in the beachbreak: We longboarded in the morning and shortboarded after lunch.
Tonight our team's Vietnam Veterans were honored at a special banquet. Each Vet received a mounted photo of them in the war, with thank you's from everyone else on the team, on the back:

The empty chair is for those lost in the war. They will not be forgotten.
Here are the wives of the Veterans, who participated on the mission:

useful links:
Some of our videos were featured on CNN including this one:
You can see the path Ketsana took here: